I will post some insight to the process here. Ask for anything, I can also provide my scripts if anyone haas use for them.
I constructed the NavMesh for the Invaders with planes to avoid having too many cornerpoints which makes navigation very buggy.
A simple shot of the spacecube
Tank Prototype with Flamethrower, hell yeah! The Script checks if there are any trees close to the tank, and if, it gets that position and makes it a temporary target, returning to the old one after. The tank will still shoot if an enemy gets too close.
The NavMesh on the Spaceship is generated automatically because the AI has to walk through doors and onto higher stories.
Little Group-AI-Try which bunches a few guys together to make the player believe they interact with each other.
Let me know if I can help you!
Experimenting with a "flight" mode that is available once you reach a certain state. Simple trick, not clearing the skybox but somehow try to mask it.
4 members sounds a little like 420...

The Camera angle is something pretty interesting, I'll try to animate it to create a short "Out of your head"-moment, eG when firing a gun.
If you find one of those blue-ish spots, you can grow bridges or trees to make the Island more accessible. Could be compared to a highway.
These orange cubes are a compressed form of energy. You can use them to power things, build a bridge or even surf on them. You can move them with F,G and H, directions switch every time you press again, enabling you to guide them in every direction you want. They are re-set once the player dies. Oh wait, you don't really die but that's a different story.
Simple Jellyfish, using Interactive Cloth and a water shader. The tentacles sometimes go wild, but I don't know why I should fix that.
12.10.15 - 00:44
Thank you!
If you find one of those blue-ish spots, you can grow bridges or trees to make the Island more accessible. Could be compared to a highway.